The first Solar Flare graphic novel (collecting issues 1-6) is coming out in early November. It's going to be called, Solar Flare Season 1: Fort Myers. As many of you may know, Fort Myers Florida was hit head-on in early September by Hurricane Irma. This category 4 storm caused so much damage and loss to many local businesses and families. The Solar Flare team and Scout Comics have come up with a plan to help. We've done a special 400 copy printing of the graphic novel were $15.00 of the $19.99 collected will be donated to two, local Ft. Myers charities. The two charities are United Way of Southwest Florida and the Harry Chapin Food Bank. The variant cover was done by the amazing artist Ben Bishop (TMNT, Drawing Blood, The Aggregate) and is pictured here.
If you'd like to preorder the book, click this link:
We'll be providing updates on how much money we've raised via our Facebook page, SOLAR FLARE COMIC